When all is said and done, how do we actually measure ourselves?
There’s only one measure in this world that truly matters, that is
We measure ourselves through the eyes of the ones we love.
For that reason, I’ve also included testimonials from my 3 children
– Vincent Leong

"Vincent has been a formidable business partner over the last 25 years. His relentless efforts & while unorthodox, effective strategies in penetrating markets serves as a barometer for us in other markets around the globe. He is always an inspiration in doing what is right and what works instead of what is popular. Additionally, his passion for personal growth & organizational vitality often motivates our team to thrive for greatness both in business & in life. Great to have you on our side, Vincent!"
Allan Chow
Managing Director, A2E Singapore
"Vincent is a driven, effective trainer and coach who strives for excellence in everything he does. He embodies the entrepreneurial spirit and is dedicated to improving and up skilling himself so he can make the most impact in his field. With years of experience behind him and this growth mindset, I am confident that Vincent will serve with utmost commitment and wholeheartedness."
Davidson Abishegam & Rozana Haplin
VLC Certification Coach
"Every once a while you come across a person who not only builds a friendship, but also ensures that he continues to engage & connect to foster a sincere relationship. I commend Vincent for his passion & commitment in imparting his experiences to aspiring entrepreneurs and to those in need. His sharing often motivates people like me to greater self-actualization and evaluate current priorities. Talking to him is always refreshing & most often ends with lots of encouragement as he shares real-life experiences of him wearing many different hats. Through his stories, I hope many more lives will be inspired to conquer any adversity & emerge stronger for success."
Emma Conceppsion
Entrepreneur, Philippines
"Vincent was a participant in my Virtual Facilitation Program.
I found Vincent to be a hard worker and passionate about building others through his training programs. He lives by what he preaches and I believe this will be a key differentiator in his training. I wish Vincent much success in all his undertakings."
Khairul Anuar Safiullah
Coach / Trainer / Facilitator
"Vincent conducted a very impactful 3-Day Training to my team of 25 managers & executives – A step-by-step guide to managing a successful business from sales to support services & customer retention. We learned so many practical lessons through stories from his entrepreneurial journey, coupled with examples from his diverse business ventures- both victories and failures. From his vast experience, Vincent is able to give clarity on applying what was delivered, while at the same time making the whole learning process fun. He leaves my team with a set of insightful lessons for them to practice in their daily operations."
Datuk Rizal
"Vincent is knowledgeable and definitely have a wonderful success story. The way he conducts his story telling, moved us. He made us laugh and left us in awe after he shared some of his success stories. He is truly someone who can inspire others. Not only by works. He is not afraid to roll up his sleeves and get to work on his goals. In just those few moments of his speech, he gave us priceless knowledge, and made us think about what's next for us. Thanks Vincent for a wonderful sharing."
Kirubagaran Samugam
CEO, KS Global Sdn Bhd
"As an Indonesian project & systems integrator, it is seldom that I come across an international business partner such as Vincent that lights you up with glow of his internal passion & relentless empathy to ensure a project comes to fruition with proper deliverables & complete sign-offs. His ever crisp & actionable solution to every problem had always enthused me and at the same time leaving a positive impact on my team that serves along with him in a project. I recommend Vincent highly not just for his respective expertise but most importantly his love for what he does that differentiates him from the rest."
Pak Mudhofi
Presiden Direktur, Dharma Utama Indonesia
"He is passionate, driven and determined to achieve what he has set out to do. As a father, he also ensures that we are well equipped with all we need to know about the world, business, people and life. He relentlessly and boldly paves the way of success for us by always being one step ahead of us, being an active problem solver and leading by example. "
Prisca Leong, My Eldest
Musician & Composer
"Vincent is a dedicated father & leader of our family who always strives to teach us all he can about the meaning and value of life and people. His passion as an entrepreneur and pursuit for excellence in everything he does inspires me to do the same in my life."
Phoebe Leong, My 2nd
President, TEDx Sunway University 2021
"My dad is a very hardworking and persistent man who will not take no as an answer and instead, try to help you solve the problem. This shows his love for helping people and his determination towards solving problems."
Ethan Leong, My 3rd
Aspiring Musician & Entrepreneur
"It's with much enthusiasm & honour that we are recommending Vincent as our esteemed business partner for Malaysia & the region. When PeoplesHR was introduced, there was much effort and follow-up done in helping us to reach many customers and build a positive knowledge base to improve our offerings by him. Vincent has been a reliable business partner and is always interested in discussing new ways to drive leads and revenue in the assigned territory."
Sampath Jayasundara
CEO, hSenid Sri Lanka
"Vincent is best described as someone with sterling optimism despite being confronted by challenging & discouraging situations. With a “never say die; never succumb to failure” attitude, he always chooses to make the best of any circumstances. I am reminded by his 4Ps in business & in life … patience, persistence, positivity & perseverance. Always believing in living a life full & without regret."
Warattnya Saneepatkul
Entrepreneur, Thailand
"Vincent was a pro-active participant in my '7-Day Train the Trainer' Program. He is an avid learner with much focus on details to achieve excellence. Through my engagement with him, I can feel his sincere passion about adding value to others through coaching, mentoring & training – simple & straight to the point. I believe he can instil essentials needed by attendees through in-depth guides & practical application of his programs & deliverables."
Zainudin Kadir
Founder & CEO, Thames Oxford Academy PLT